I heard back from Company A.
They had a placement for me. It wasn't anywhere near any of my preferred areas so I had to think about it. The great thing is that is changes my departure date. The person from Company A that I spoke with said that the Japanese government in that area had already accepted and the job was mine if I wanted it.
Ideally, I wanted to be placed anywhere south of Tokyo (but not in the mountains..don't like cold weather). I definitely did not want to be placed in Hokkaido. I was so wishing, hoping, praying for Fukuoka or Hiroshima or anywhere in Kyushu..Hamamatsu even..I had studied and planned and just knew there would be school for me there...
They placed me in Kurihara (Miyagi Prefecture).
I looked up Kurihara on Wiki and pulled images of the area. It seems rather subrural. That is a word I made up for an area that is suburban in it's shape but is far from the bustling city (therefore making it rural). It seemed very similar to where I live now.
I had correspondences with my states side recruiter to get her opinion. She pretty much told me to go hard or don't go at all. I had to re-evaluate my reasons for going to Japan. I had to look into why I was so interested in Southern Japan and not so much Northern Japan (those reasons I will keep to myself). I'm looking for an adventure and I will probably get one. I figure that they probably need people up there.
Also, I feared saying "no" because I was told that they (Japanese government) would frown upon it and possibly not accept me anywhere else in Japan. And if I declined this post, I may end up in Hokkaido after all. Those areas I wanted to be placed in probably have many people (more experienced people) wanting those positions. I should just take what is given to me and be grateful for the opportunity. I will have a chance to visit the south. And if I stay for more than a year, maybe I can transfer...right?!?!
I accepted the position in Kurihara.
I pray that I made a good decision and that this will lead to me to my final goal and destination. \(^o^)/