I certainly hope not!
But I fear i do have them.
I have my passport and now, as I start writing my reason for wanting to go I am getting nervous.
My biggest fear is that my reasons are not good enough.
That I am not good enough.
And then what if I am hired, they make you pay your own airfare...how will I afford a plane trip.
I don't make a lot of money as it is.
Most of what I do make goes right to bills...
I can't ask my family as they have done so much for me already. Plus why would they pay me to leave when they would want me to stay?
I must say, I am not a very religious person but I am rather spiritual.
Whatever I have prayed for and prayed for guidance on has always turned out well.
So, tonight I will pray for miracles and direction and strength.
I have set in my heart that I will do this.
I see my destination, my goal...the path is laid out before me like a puzzle.
I am still waiting for my other Japanese learning materials.
I also have a dharma on the way..very exciting.