A week before Christmas, I sent my applications and resume to two ALT/ESL companies.
I had a rush interview session with one this past Saturday. The contacted me on Thursday saying they wanted me to get them more info (fill out more forms) and I didn't get the official invite until 5pm on Friday. Not much time to prep, but I did my best considering I had never had an interview quite like it. I still need to get my transcripts to them and I will be calling the school later this morning to work that out.
The other company I applied to advised that I reapply closer to when I want to leave...
That is the problem.
I am currently working and the company A would need me to start April 1. But that is in the middle of school year here. I would be leaving my current employer in a huge hard spot because she has me doing most of the classes. She does her fair share too and there is one other woman who only does one class. If I get an acceptance letter then ....I'll just have to leave. She will get plenty of notice.
The other problem in money. I don't know how I am going to finance this plane trip as well as have enough live on until I get my first paycheck. Then there is the issue of my current bills (mainly my student loans). This is going to be sticky.
I still haven't received my materials from JList yet.
I even placed a second order and have received that order:

I will start using the Shadowing CD today.
I am very excited at the possibility of living and working in Japan.
Although my interview had some rather horridly scary stories about how people will say one thing to your face then undermind you behind your back and how appearance is everything and conformity, I will deal with it. It will most definitely be a challenge at first but then I tend to act how the people around me act.
I finally revealed to my family my plans for the future.
My dad took it the worst. I wasn't crying but he is very stressed at the idea of me not being around. My mother and sister are putting up a positive front, but they don't understand why I want to leave. Why all the way on the other side of the globe.
These next few months are going to be interesting....