Monday, December 10, 2007

And now for the essay

While I wait for my passport to arrive, I have decided to get started on my essay. Many of these ESL employers want an essay explaining why you want to go teach in Japan. Is it wrong that my reasons are totally personal. I don't have any super lofty goals. But I have to be able to word my reasons in way that is compelling. I hope the rest of my educational items arrive today. That reminds me...I am unsure what to do about professional references.
Sure, I have them but I don't know how the people I would turn to for references would feel about writing a letter of recommendation. I cannot use my current employer mainly because I have not official come out and said "Hey, I'm trying to get job teaching in Japan!!" Not only that, but it would be rude and unprofessional...therefore I will blog about it instead.

So back to the essay, I am compiling talking points to be further fleshed out in the coming weeks. Oh, and I thought my plan was unknown but my sister has been telling people it is only a matter of time before I go to Japan. She said to a friend, while I was standing there, "yeah, I just know we are going to wake up one day and she [me] will tell us,' I'm going to Japan and my flight leaves bye!'" I won't be that abrupt, but I won't tell them anything officially until all the details are worked out.

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