Saturday, December 8, 2007

One deadline has passed...

I keep getting cold feet about this whole "live in Japan for a year" thing. But then I read my horoscope the other day. I don't remember it exactly, but it pretty much said that I need to stick with my plans and that good things will come, but those closest to you won't understand. And they won't. My family will have a fit. The biggest fit ever!! It will be of biblical proportions. No doubt they will throw in my face my Dad's age (even though he is pretty healthy) or go one about how much they depend on me (and they do...they really do). But it isn't healthy. I'm not a teenager anymore. I have to step out and do something, not spinning my wheels while being on call for my family. I hate being the eldest child.

Right now, I am looking into my options for teaching English in Japan.
I have already missed the deadline for a program I wanted to apply to, so that option is out.
There are others options that I am looking into. I sent out my paperwork to get my passport renewed about a week and a half ago.

Hopefully the renewal process will not be as long as the original application process (but that department is seriously understaffed...I should have gotten my passport renewed over the summer...oh well). It will happen, I just gotta go with flow. I can't control everything.

And yes, I am attempting to learn the language.
It doesn't hurt anymore. I can understand a recognize words. My home brew immersion process is a trip. I watch NHK television and Japanese TV shows. I listen to Japanese music (hey, that process helped me to understand Spanish better). Of course you need text books and conversation tapes. I converted my tapes to Mp3 form so I could listen to them on my player at night. Here are some of the books I have to help me learn.

I have a few more books on the way.
I'll post pictures of those too. In addition to books, audio, and tv programs, I also have a CD Rom program...yeah I am very serious about this.

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